A few months back we had some of the most beautiful, polite, confident children I’ve ever met come into our Bulimba store for a little chat on how refined sugar affects our bodies and moods, and some easy ways to replace refined processed sugars for kinder natural sugars and sweeteners.
These children were from Dream School, a home school based in Rochedale that believes in teaching kids about innovation and creativity and teaching their children outside the box (literally) to challenge their thinking. They had just finished watching “That Sugar Film” and what better place to come in and have a hands on experience enjoying unrefined foods than Coco Bliss.
Here’s a recipe we taught them and its one of our faves. Have a go yourself, its super easy and you can have some fun decorating them with different toppings and in fancy glasses for a delicious decadent tasting dessert that will impress your dinner party guests.
1 can coconut cream (full fat)
1tbl raw cacao powder
1tbl organic maple syrup*
1tsp vanilla extract
4 medjool dates (pitted)
1tbl psyllium husk
*its important to use Organic Grade Maple from a Health Food store as this is high in minerals and contains no added sugar. Supermarket non organic maple has been heated and processed killing any health benefits